We've judged two KCBS Barbeque Contests this month - one in Council Bluffs, Iowa and a brand new event in Middletown, Delaware this weekend. Ironically, we haven't smoked anything in our own yard yet this year!! (I'm craving a good smoked turkey though, so that may happen momentarily.)
Do you know the difference between grilling and barbecuing ? (By the way, you can spell barbeque with a "q" or a "c". Both are correct.)
Grilling is the act of cooking over direct heat. Grilling is generally a very quick means of cooking and must be watched carefully. This is what most of us do with steaks, shrimp, hotdogs, hamburgers and wings, as well as, lots of other delicious meats.
Barbecuing is the act of cooking over indirect heat, often referred to as low and slow. In an ideal world, you'll use wood or charcoal and smoke will definitely be a flavor factor. Many non-competition cooks do use a gas grill as they afford better temperature control unless you have invested heavily in a high quality smoker. Most meats cooked this way are seasoned with a dry rub or marinated before cooking.
Both methods serve a purpose, and whichever you prefer to do is fine as long as you are enjoying the meal.
True BBQ lovers don't let a little thing like cook damp weather deter them either, so get out there and cook !
Celebrate National BBQ Month!!!
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