Ever used your P B & J as a safety device? In 1988, a six foot black bear wandered onto a playground at a New Jersey elementary school just before school let out. School administrators kept the children an extra 45 minutes while they tossed peanut butter sandwiches to the bear, keeping him interested and in one spot long enough for the game warden to arrive and take him away.
There's no word on which flavor jelly he preferred.
***In case your wondering, bears are generally simply tranquilized and moved to more appropriate surroundings when they find their way into our neighborhoods. In most cases, at least along the East Coast, they tend to be young males who have simply lost their way while trying to stake out their own territory.
Did'ja know?

Today is National Strawberry Shortcake Day.
I'm just not sure whether I'm supposed to play with my vintage dolls or eat dessert.
There are so many different ways to make a strawberry shortcake and, considering local berries are readily available in these parts at the moment, I'm sure I'll come up with some way to celebrate today.

One of my quick go-to ideas is to simply whip up some of those refrigerated buttermilk biscuits (15 minutes prep time!), split them, layer some Cool Whip and sliced berries and ...
VOILA!!! -- a luscious and delicious dessert in minutes!!
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